2014 Canola Flower in Hanzhong, Shanxi China
Changde Wu 2014-05-04
2014 Cole flowers in Hanzhong, Shanxi China
This is group of photos about the Cole flowers in my home town, Nanzheng County,Shaanxi, China, photoed during my year 2014 visist.
Cole flowers in my home town

P0 The path
P1 Welcome sign everywhere in Nanzhen
P2 Flowers inside mountain area
P3 Nongfeng Resevoir
P4 Nongfeng Resevoir viewed from a middle hill

P5 Atill around Nongfeng Resevoir

P6 Cole flowers at Liutai village
P7 Liutai viewed from Lifeng
P8 Lifeng
P9 Lifeng 2
P10 Lifeng 3
P11 Beneath Lifeng Reservoir
P12 Beneath Lifeng Reservoir 2
P13 Upper Lifeng Reservoir
P14 Upper Lifeng Reservoir
P15 Looking down from my old house
P16 Looking down from my old house 2
P17 Cole Flowers in the backyard of my old house
P18 Looking down from my old house 3
P19 One more phone from my old house
P20 Village of Ma Family, where I attended my middle school
P21 The old local government site
P22 The location of Lifeng middle school
P23 Village of Zhaojiabian
P24 At the mouth of the mountain, the Beijing-Kunming highway under the foot
Cole flowers in other place of Nanzhen County
P25 The county seat of Nanzhen County, Zhoujiaping, viewed from the middle of Hanshan Mount
P26 Cole flowers around the town of Liangshui xiang along the highway to Liping
P27 Cole flowers around the town of Liangshui xiang along the highway to Liping 2