China Trip 2014 - (1) Huanglongxi
Changde Wu 2016-01-11
China Trip 2014 - (1) Huanglongxi
Huanglongxi (Yellow Dragon Creek) is an old town in the Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province, about 40 km south of the city of Chengdu. During my year 2014 China travel, I visited a high school classmate in Chengdu. He took me to this town as well as the town of Jiezi in the next article for leisure and food.

P1 Street scene

P2 Street scene

P3 A gate

P4 A creek running through the town

P5 A noodle restaurant

P6 Street scene 2

P7 River

P8 Tourist boats pier

P9 Street scene 3

P10 Street scene 4

P11 Inside a big house compound