2024 Japan Travel(1) - Summary
Changde Wu 2024-11-09
In 2024, we have had a travel to Japan for 17 days. We visited big cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Kobe as well as Yokohama. We also visisted some rural areas simply for sightseeing. Here is a highlight of the travel.
(1) Natural Scenary
We visited all three largest waterfalls in Japan in this trip.

P1 Nachi Falls(那智の滝), one of the three largest waterfalls

P2 Kegon Falls(華厳滝), one of the three largest waterfalls

P3 Fukuroda Falls(袋田の滝), one of the three largest waterfalls

P4 Shiraito Falls(白糸の滝), in Mt. Fuji area, is simply amazing.

P5 Mt. Fuji from far away

P6 Amanohashidate(天橋立), one of Japan's three scenic views.

P7 This should be the way to see Amanohashidate

P8 Tottori Sand Dunes(鳥取砂丘), simply unbelievable for Japan.

P9 Kiyotsu Gorge(清津峡 パノラマステーション) from light tunnel

P10 Meoto Iwa or Wedded Rocks(夫婦岩)

P11 National Natural Monument Onigajō Cliff (鬼ヶ城)

P12 Amaharashi Coast (雨晴)
(2) Great Buddha statues and Castles
We also visited all three largest buddha statues in Japan in this trip as well as some castles.

P13 Todaiji Temple, Nara(奈良東大寺)

P14 Great Buddha statue inside Todaiji Temple, Nara(奈良東大寺大仏)

P15 Great Buddha statue in Kotoku-in in Kamakura (鎌倉高徳院)

P16 Great Buddha statue in Takaoka(高岡大仏)

P17 Ryōzen Kannon Temple in Kyoto(霊山観音)

P18 Wakayama Castle(和歌山城)

P19 Himeji Castle(姫路城)
(3) Temples, Shrines and Gardens
Temples and Shrines are everywhere. Most famous ones are in Kyoto and Nara areas. For temples, they are usually accompanied by gardens.

P20 Ise Jingu main hall(伊勢神宮)- there are outer Jingu and Inner Jinnu, this is the main house of the inner Jingu.

P21 Fushimi Inari Taisha(伏見稲荷大社)

P22 Kiyomizu-dera(清水寺), Kyoto

P23 Hōkan-ji(法観寺,八坂の塔), Kyoto

P24 Kodaiji Temple(高台寺), Kyoto

P25 Kinkaku-ji(金閣寺), Kyoto

P26 Higashiyama Jisho-ji or 寺Ginkakuji(東山慈照寺/銀閣寺)

P27 Kenroku-en(兼六園), one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan

P28 Hitachi Seaside Park (国営ひたち海浜公園)
(4) Cities and Streets

P29 Totyo Rainbow Bridge(レインボーブリッジ)

P30 National Diet Building (国会議事堂)

P31 Tokyo Skyline in the night

P32 Tokyo skyline viewed from Skyline

P33 Yokohama Chinatown, the largest in Chinatown in Japan, lot of taste food

P34 Nagoya Chubu Electric Power MIRAI TOWER(名古屋,中部電力 MIRAI TOWER)

P35 Nidec Kyoto Tower(ニデック京都タワー)

P36 Togetsukyō Bridge(渡月橋), Kyoto Arashiyama

P37 Arashiyama Bamboo Forest(嵐山竹林の小径), Kyoto

P38 Souemoncho(宗右衛門町), Osaka(大阪)

P39 Kobe(神戶) night scene from Observation Deck

P40 Kanazawa Station(金沢駅)

P41 Starbucks Coffee in Toyama Kansui Park(富山富岩運河環水公園), boasted as the most beautiful Starbucks Coffee house in the world.