Year 2018 Travel Summary
Changde Wu 2019-01-12
My 2018 travel is rather ordinary, not much to shine. The travel was largely depended on my son's agenda, who would be a high school senior after the summer. He did not make mind of college visiting before the last minutes. My initial travel plan was ambitious, touring the eastern Canada resgion including Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia aw well as Newfoundland, a perfect plan for scenery as well as birding. My son changed his mind in the last minutes, and decided to visist some colleges that have strong enigeering programs in the middle US. So the new plan was to visit such schools on the way, with most of them are public, then head to Appalachian mountains for real fun.
As for scenery travel, my key points are the Lookout Moutain in the Southeastern Tennesse, Great Smoky mountains, Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah National Park. We will also stay one night in the Natural Bridge. We have reserved a resort under the Eastern foot of the Shenandoah Moutain for several days. The location would serve as a base station for our itinerary in the Shenandoah area.
Blue ridge mountains is part of the broad southern Appalachian mountains range. It is the backbone of the Appalachian mountains. Great Smoky mountains is in the south, and Shenandoah National Park is on the northern part, and they are connected by the 755 km long Blue Ridge Parkway. It turned out that the scenery in these three parks are much similar. So traveling from one end to the other in several days will soon feel boring. In my perspective, Shenandoah National Park has not much to shine comapare with the Great Smoky Moutain and Blue Ridge Parkway. If I have to choose only one due to time constrain, I would pick the Great Smoky Moutain with no hesitation. This is because it not only offers super sceneries, but also rich wildlife.