US NorthWest 2017 Travel (3) - Craters of the Moon National Monument
Changde Wu 2017-11-22
US NorthWest 2017 Travel (3) - Craters of the Moon National Monument
This was really a quick tour due to limited time because of late arrival. Neverthless, this is a remarkable place.

P1 The sign of the Craters of the Moon National Monument in the eastern side of the park

P2 The lands inside the Monument are barren, this place is an exception

P3 Twisted Lava surface of North Crater Flow, youngest lava in the region

P4 North Crater Flow

P5 The lava in North Crater Flow

P6 The remnant of the crater moved here, North Crater Flow

P7 Devil's Garden

P8 Inferno Cone

P9 View the lava flows and distant mountains from the top of the Inferno Cone

P10 Spatter cones

P11 Lava Flow surface

P12 Failed Lava Cave

P13 Another Failed Lava Cave

P14 Cake shaped Lava Flow

P15 The sunset in the disatnt mountain region