North America Deers
Changde Wu 2019-04-27
North America Deers
Here are the animals belong to Deer Family (Cervidae) in North America. All photos are taken by me during pass years and in varous locations. White-tailed deer is the widely distributed deer specices that can be frequently seen in back yard; while the moose is the largest animal in the deer family.
(1) White-tailed Deer

P1 Sachuest NWR, Middleton RI, 2019

P2 Jasper NP, Jasper, AB, 2016

P3 Jasper NP, Jasper, AB, 2016

P4 Kootenay NP at Radium Hot Spring, BC, 2016

P5 Kootenay NP at Radium Hot Spring, BC, 2016

P6 Kootenay NP at Radium Hot Spring, BC, 2016

P7 Great Smooky NP at Cherokee, NC, 2018
(2) Mule Deer

P8 Great Sand Dunes NP, 2011

P9 Devils Tower NM, 2011

P10 Black-tailed Deer, Tulelake NWR, Tulelake CA, 2017

P11 Rocky Mountain NP, 2011
(3) Elk

P12 Jasper NP, Jasper, AB, 2016

P13 Jasper NP, Jasper, AB, 2016

P14 Jasper NP, Jasper, AB, 2016
(4) Caribou or Reindeer

P15 Denali NP, Alaska, 2015
(5) Moose

P16, Male Moose, Jackson WY, 2011

P17 Denali NP, Alaska, 2015

P18 Female, Denali Alaska, 2015