Changde Wu 2018-11-22
Woodpeckers are inetersting birds. They are characterized by shaving the wood with sharp bill and catching the insects hidden inside.
Their living environment rely on dead trees or dead branches in a tree.
The woodpeckers in this article are mainly photographed in the northeastern United States, and almost exhaust list of common species in the region.

P1 Downy woodpecker, male, with the head striped black and white on the head, has a red nape

P2 Downy woodpecker, female

P3 Downy woodpecker, male

P4 Downy woodpecker, male

P5 Hairy Woodpecker, male, samilar to Downy woodpecker, larger, bill is longer

P6 Hairy Woodpecker, male

P7 Red-bellied Woodpecker, male

P8 Red-bellied Woodpecker, male; the following red-bellied woodpeckers are photographed on the same tree where the bird's nest is located.

P9 Red-bellied Woodpecker, male

P10 Red-bellied Woodpecker, male

P11 Red-bellied Woodpecker, female

P12 Red-bellied woodpecker chick peeping out of the tree hole

P13 Northern flicker, migrating to the south in winter

P14 Pileated woodpecker, the largest woodpecker

P15 Yellow-bellied sapsucker, female

P16 Juvenile Yellow-bellied sapsucker